Monday, December 10, 2007

Are they remembering things better? Or is it me?

I recently received the technology supplements to The American Journey, the textbook that we use for Social Studies. Overall I have been fairly satisfied with the textbook and the resources which I was initially given in the beginning of the year; however, I am very excited about using the CDs and DVDs to enhance my lessons. At first, the CD itself was very awkward to use. I found it rather difficult at times to navigate and find what I was looking for. After a while though, I became familiar with how the manufacturer organized the files. My favorite part of the CD is that the textbook is interactive. Each page has a sound file, where you can listen to the page being read aloud. Unfortunately the pages are not broken into sections (so if you leave off in the middle of the page today, tomorrow you will have to fast-forward to find your starting-point).
Due to testing and other circumstances beyond my control, I haven’t really had the opportunity to use the DVD in the classroom yet. I do know though, that it has a review game, similar to Jeopardy.
My classroom is a melting pot of learning styles, with the two biggest ingredients being visual and auditory. Now that I have the technology (a SMARTBoard, and the interactive software), I’ve found that my students are much more engaged in their lessons. In addition, it seems as though they are remembering more of what we are doing day to day.
I know not every lesson will make it to my students “long-term memory”. I do hope though, that the fact that I am now able to teach on both visual and auditory levels simultaneously, that more of my students will remember what they have been taught.

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