Monday, March 30, 2009

My Flash Plan

  • The purpose of my project is to create an animation that uses a character from one of the plays that we have read in class to teach them how to write a play.
  • This assignment will target relatively low functioning seventh grade ELA students with severe behavioral problems.
  • I will have a stationary picture of “James” and use audio for his voice.
  • I will use buttons to control the sound, and let the user choose when to start and stop.


  • The character will introduce himself as James from “Welcome to Ellis Island”.
  • The character will introduce what he will be doing
  • The character will tell the students that the first part of their play should list their characters.
  • The character will tell the students that it’s okay that their sentences aren’t always complete, but accurate punctuation is essential.
  • The character will tell the students that their play should look like an instant message.
  • The character will wish them good luck on their journeys.

1 comment:

Lisa S. said...

Look. You won. The end.